Source code for spectate.base

from inspect import signature
from functools import wraps
from typing import (
from contextlib import contextmanager
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

__all__ = ["Model", "Control", "view", "unview", "views", "link", "unlink", "notifier"]

Event = Dict[str, Any]
TupleOfEvents = Tuple[Event, ...]
ViewFunction = Callable[["Model", TupleOfEvents], None]

[docs]def views(model: "Model") -> List[ViewFunction]: """Return a model's views keyed on what events they respond to. Model views are added by calling :func:`view` on a model. """ if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError("Expected a Model, not %r." % model) return model._model_views[:]
_F = TypeVar("_F", bound=ViewFunction) @overload def view(model: "Model") -> Callable[[_F], _F]: ... @overload def view(model: "Model", function: ViewFunction) -> None: ...
[docs]def view( model: "Model", function: Optional[ViewFunction] = None ) -> Optional[Callable[[_F], _F]]: """A decorator for registering a callback to a model Parameters: model: the model object whose changes the callback should respond to. Examples: .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc items = mvc.List() @mvc.view(items) def printer(items, events): for e in events: print(e) items.append(1) """ if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError("Expected a Model, notself._model_notifier() %r." % model) def setup(function: _F) -> _F: model._attach_model_view(function) return function if function is not None: setup(function) return None else: return setup
[docs]def unview(model: "Model", function: ViewFunction) -> None: """Remove a view callbcak from a model. Parameters: model: The model which contains the view function. function: The callable which was registered to the model as a view. Raises: ValueError: If the given ``function`` is not a view of the given ``model``. """ model._remove_model_view(function)
[docs]@contextmanager def notifier(model: "Model") -> Iterator[Callable[..., None]]: """Manually send notifications to the given model. Parameters: model: The model whose views will recieve notifications Returns: A function whose keyword arguments become event data. Example: .. code-block:: python m = Model() @view(m) def printer(m, events): for e in events: print(e) with notifier(m) as notify: # the view should print out this event notify(x=1, y=2) """ events = [] def notify(*args, **kwargs): events.append(dict(*args, **kwargs)) yield notify if events: model._notify_model_views(tuple(events))
[docs]class Control: """An object used to define control methods on a :class:`Model` A "control" method on a :class:`Model` is one which reacts to another method being called. For example there is a control method on the :class:`~spectate.mvc.models.List` which responds when :meth:`~spectate.mvc.models.List.append` is called. A control method is a slightly modified :ref:`beforeback <Control Beforebacks>` or :ref:`afterback <Control Afterbacks>` that accepts an extra ``notify`` argument. These are added to a control object by calling :meth:`Control.before` or :meth:`Control.after` respectively. The ``notify`` arugment is a function which allows a control method to send messages to :func:`views <view>` that are registered to a :class:`Model`. Parameters: methods: The names of the methods on the model which this control will react to When they are calthrough the Nodeled. This is either a comma seperated string, or a list of strings. before: A control method that reacts before any of the given ``methods`` are called. If given as a callable, then that function will be used as the callback. If given as a string, then the control will look up a method with that name when reacting (useful when subclassing). after: A control method that reacts after any of the given ``methods`` are alled. If given as a callable, then that function will be used as the callback. If given as a string, then the control will look up a method with that name when reacting (useful when subclassing). Examples: Control methods are registered to a :class:`Control` with a ``str`` or function. A string may refer to the name of a method on a `Model` while a function should be decorated under the same name as the :class:`Control` object to preserve the namespace. .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc class X(mvc.Model): _control_method = mvc.Control("method").before("_control_before_method") def _control_before_method(self, call, notify): print("before") # Note how the method uses the same name. It # would be redundant to use a different one. @_control_a.after def _control_method(self, answer, notify): print("after") def method(self): print("during") x = X() x.method() .. code-block:: text before during after """ def __init__( self, methods: Union[list, tuple, str], *, before: Union[Callable, str] = None, after: Union[Callable, str] = None, ): if isinstance(methods, (list, tuple)): self.methods = tuple(methods) elif isinstance(methods, str): self.methods = tuple(map(str.strip, methods.split(","))) else: raise ValueError("methods must be a string or list of strings") = None if isinstance(before, Control): before = before._before self._before = before if isinstance(after, Control): after = after._after self._after = after def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self else: return BoundControl(obj, self) def __set_name__(self, cls, name): if not issubclass(cls, Model): raise TypeError("Can only define a control on a Model, not %r" % cls) if msg = "Control was defined twice - %r and %r." raise RuntimeError(msg % (, name)) else: = name for m in self.methods: setattr(cls, m, self._create_controlled_method(cls, m)) def _create_controlled_method(self, cls, name): method = getattr(cls, name) @wraps(method) def wrapped_method(obj, *args, **kwargs): cls = type(obj) bound_control = self.__get__(obj, cls) before_control = bound_control.before if before_control is not None: before_value = before_control( obj, {"name": name, "args": args, "kwargs": kwargs} ) else: before_value = None result = method.__get__(obj, cls)(*args, **kwargs) after_control = bound_control.after if after_control is not None: after_control( obj, {"before": before_value, "name": name, "value": result} ) return result return wrapped_method
class BoundControl: def __init__(self, obj, ctrl): self._obj = obj self._cls = type(obj) self._name = self._before = ctrl._before self._after = ctrl._after self.methods = ctrl.methods @property def before(self): if self._before is None: method_name = self._name + "_before" if hasattr(self._obj, method_name): before = getattr(self._obj, method_name) else: return None else: before = self._before if isinstance(before, str): before = getattr(self._obj, before) elif hasattr(before, "__get__"): before = before.__get__(self._obj, type(self._obj)) @wraps(before) def beforeback(value, call): def parameters(): meth = getattr(value, call["name"]) bound = signature(meth).bind(*call["args"], **call["kwargs"]) return dict(bound.arguments) with notifier(value) as notify: return before(dict(call, parameters=parameters), notify) return beforeback @property def after(self): if self._after is None: return None else: after = self._after if isinstance(after, str): after = getattr(self._obj, after) elif hasattr(after, "__get__"): after = after.__get__(self._obj, type(self._obj)) @wraps(after) def afterback(value, answer): with notifier(value) as notify: return after(answer, notify) return afterback
[docs]class Model: """An object that can be :class:`controlled <Control>` and :func:`viewed <view>`. Users should define :class:`Control` methods and then :func:`view` the change events those controls emit. This process starts by defining controls on a subclass of :class:`Model`. Examples: .. code-block:: python from specate import mvc class Object(Model): _control_attr_change = Control( "__setattr__, __delattr__", before="_control_before_attr_change", after="_control_after_attr_change", ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).items(): setattr(self, k, v) def _control_before_attr_change(self, call, notify): return call["args"][0], getattr(self, call["args"][0], Undefined) def _control_after_attr_change(self, answer, notify): attr, old = answer["before"] new = getattr(self, attr, Undefined) if new != old: notify(attr=attr, old=old, new=new) o = Object() @mvc.view(o) def printer(o, events): for e in events: print(e) """ _model_views: List[ViewFunction] _inner_models: "WeakValueDictionary[int, Model]" def __new__(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "Model": new = super().__new__ if new is not object.__new__: self = new(cls, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore else: self = new(cls) object.__setattr__(self, "_model_views", []) object.__setattr__(self, "_inner_models", WeakValueDictionary()) return self def _attach_child_model(self, model: "Model") -> None: self._inner_models[id(model)] = model for v in self._model_views: model._attach_model_view(v) def _remove_child_model(self, model: "Model") -> None: try: del self._inner_models[id(model)] except KeyError: pass else: for v in self._model_views: model._remove_model_view(v) def _attach_model_view(self, function: ViewFunction) -> None: self._model_views.append(function) for inner in self._inner_models.values(): inner._attach_model_view(function) def _remove_model_view(self, function: ViewFunction) -> None: self._model_views.remove(function) for inner in self._inner_models.values(): inner._remove_model_view(function) def _notify_model_views(self, events: TupleOfEvents): for view in self._model_views: view(self, events)