Source code for

from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Iterator, Callable, Optional, List

from .base import Model, Event, TupleOfEvents

__all__ = ["hold", "mute", "rollback"]

_EventReducerFunc = Callable[[Model, List[Event]], List[Event]]

[docs]@contextmanager def hold( model: Model, reducer: Optional[_EventReducerFunc] = None ) -> Iterator[List[Event]]: """Temporarilly withold change events in a modifiable list. All changes that are captured within a "hold" context are forwarded to a list which is yielded to the user before being sent to views of the given ``model``. If desired, the user may modify the list of events before the context is left in order to change the events that are ultimately sent to the model's views. Parameters: model: The model object whose change events will be temporarilly witheld. reducer: A function for modifying the events list at the end of the context. Its signature is ``(model, events) -> new_events`` where ``model`` is the given model, ``events`` is the complete list of events produced in the context, and the returned ``new_events`` is a list of events that will actuall be distributed to views. Notes: All changes witheld from views will be sent as a single notification. For example if you view a :class:`specate.mvc.models.List` and its ``append()`` method is called three times within a :func:`hold` context, Examples: Note how the event from ``l.append(1)`` is omitted from the printed statements. .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc l = mvc.List() mvc.view(d, lambda d, e: list(map(print, e))) with mvc.hold(l) as events: l.append(1) l.append(2) del events[0] .. code-block:: text {'index': 1, 'old': Undefined, 'new': 2} """ if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError("Expected a Model, not %r." % model) events: List[Event] = [] restore = model.__dict__.get("_notify_model_views") model._notify_model_views = lambda e: events.extend(e) # type: ignore try: yield events finally: if restore is None: del model._notify_model_views else: model._notify_model_views = restore # type: ignore if reducer is not None: events = reducer(model, events) model._notify_model_views(tuple(events))
[docs]@contextmanager def rollback( model: Model, undo: Callable[[Model, TupleOfEvents, Exception], None] = None, reducer: Optional[_EventReducerFunc] = None, ) -> Iterator[None]: """Withold events if an error occurs. Generall operate Parameters: model: The model object whose change events may be witheld. undo: An optional function for reversing any changes that may have taken place. Its signature is ``(model, events, error)`` where ``model`` is the given model, ``events`` is a list of all the events that took place, and ``error`` is the exception that was riased. Any changes that you make to the model within this function will not produce events. Examples: Simple supression of events: .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc d = mvc.Dict() @mvc.view(d) def should_not_be_called(d, events): # we never call this view assert False try: with mvc.rollback(d): d["a"] = 1 d["b"] # key doesn't exist except KeyError: pass Undo changes for a dictionary: .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc def undo_dict_changes(model, events, error): seen = set() for e in reversed(events): if e.old is mvc.Undefined: del model[e.key] else: model[e.key] = e.old try: with mvc.rollback(d, undo=undo_dict_changes): d["a"] = 1 d["b"] = 2 print(d) d["c"] except KeyError: pass print(d) .. code-block:: python {'a': 1, 'b': 2} {} """ with hold(model, reducer=reducer) as events: try: yield None except Exception as error: if undo is not None: with mute(model): undo(model, tuple(events), error) events.clear() raise
[docs]@contextmanager def mute(model: Model) -> Iterator[None]: """Block a model's views from being notified. All changes within a "mute" context will be blocked. No content is yielded to the user as in :func:`hold`, and the views of the model are never notified that changes took place. Parameters: mode: The model whose change events will be blocked. Examples: The view is never called due to the :func:`mute` context: .. code-block:: python from spectate import mvc l = mvc.List() @mvc.view(l) def raises(events): raise ValueError("Events occured!") with mvc.mute(l): l.append(1) """ if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError("Expected a Model, not %r." % model) restore = model.__dict__.get("_notify_model_views") model._notify_model_views = lambda e: None # type: ignore try: yield None finally: if restore is None: del model._notify_model_views else: model._notify_model_views = restore # type: ignore